Wednesday 14 November 2018

The Future of Dead Frontier

First of all I want to apologise for being silent this past month or so. I will try to explain as best I can why I fell off the radar, and what my plans are going forward.

What Happened
When Dead Frontier 2 first launched I was incredibly happy. We had over 10,000 players online which I feel is a massive achievement for such a low budget game. Just to put it in perspective, due to differences in the way concurrent players are counted, this was probably 4x more players online than DF1 ever had at it's peak. To date over 700,000 people have played the game, and I expect that will eventually reach over 1 million. Our early review score was pretty good too so there was a lot to be proud of back then. I was super tired from working on so many fixes/updates, but things felt good.

However despite those impressive early numbers, it was clear to me that there were definite problems. It felt like every week that passed, we lost a significant number of active players. At first I managed to stay upbeat, thinking that within a month or so the game would settle to a decent number of players, perhaps 2-3k online and that would then give us a solid enough base to ensure that the game would have a strong long term future. However those numbers came and went, and as of right now we seem to only have around 400 online, and it feels like it's still dropping quite fast.

Financially the game has not done well beyond the first two weeks. If you exclude any salary for my time spent, then DF2 just about covered it's development costs during that early period. As of now though, it's only just bringing in enough to cover it's running costs and not much else. To put it into perspective, the 10 year old DF1, that hasn't been updated or had new items released for a long time, is earning 3x more and that ratio is probably just going to increase over time. Of course, with a more aggressive business model, DF2 would be earning more per player, but I'm guessing it would also have even less players than it does now.

The review score has also been dropping. Most early players were DF1 fans and were nice enough to give me the benefit of the doubt, but the newer people coming in now simply don't have that nostalgia so have a lower opinion of the game.

All of the above combined with me being generally tired/stressed/burnt out from development, and a fair number of complaints/insults directed at me created a perfect storm which basically led to me becoming pretty depressed. I basically stopped looking at everything; discord, forums, social media. I even stopped looking at the financial reports and player counts because it was just making me feel like crap. Of course this also slowed down my work speed.

What Now?
I still feel like DF2 has a chance of succeeding once it's finished, so I will definitely be continuing my work on it. Even if it doesn't end up as a success, I still want to finish it for personal reasons.

However DF1 is currently the only game that is actually keeping the lights on at Creaky Corpse HQ, so the only practical course of action is for me to put some more energy into updating it again. Therefore I'll soon be announcing a whole array of new things for the older game.

Although this post looks grim, please don't worry about either game being shut down. As I have mentioned a few times previously, the tech DF1 and DF2 run under means that it would be very easy for me to scale down our servers and keep both games running on a shoestring budget, one which I will happily fund from my own pocket if necessary. Despite the ups and downs, I am incredibly proud of both of these games, and I want people to enjoy them for as long as possible; even if they don't make any money.

Personal Note
Writing this post hasn't been easy, I actually started it over a week ago but I just couldn't find the right words. I really poured everything I had into DF2 and it feels horrible to admit that it hasn't worked out so far. I know that I am letting down a lot of people, and it's something that I will feel guilty about for a long time to come.

Sorry everyone :(


  1. I'm still gonna be playing df2 through all it's highs and lows.
    Kudos to everything you've done for the game so far Neil!

    1. Keep up the good work bud!! I've been a gold member on df1 almost since it came out. Just trying to support your work, even thought i haven't played it for couple of years already.
      If i could suggest something for df1 or even df2 development is - if possible create multilingual content for the game. As i see lot of players drop out of the game just because they can't understand the instructions and things like that. I would suggest bringing Russian, Chinese, Spanish languages to the game and i bet, that game rating would spike upward.
      Anyway, keep up the good work Neil!!
      Always been a fan!
      G O D

    2. im going to be so honest here, i will be back when the game is done, i promise you that. will always be a fav of mine and a guilty pleasure lol.

  2. You are still the best AdminPwn that we've had and still is. I'm going to keep supporting and play DF2 no matter what.

  3. Peace of mind, no matter how the game was or become something , every day t still online regular to defeat all boss in the small house . Stay stronge :)

  4. I hope you will keep updating it, i actually complained alot about you being silent, but now I can see what you’re going through. Game is very fun, just early access, thats all, dont lose hopes on it.. :)

  5. Hey, you're doing the best you can. The fact that you had the guts to admit and come forth even while going through a lot of emotions, shows that you're a respectable person. You had a dream as an indie developer, and you made it happen multiple times. You're doing an amazing job, and I can't wait to see what you have in store. Don't be too hard on yourself, as I know from personal experience, it just limits you. You've created the type of open world that not many have succeeded in creating and it's my personal favourite type of open world. Keep up the great work! In short; Stay great, Neil.

    -Blek (Google broke DX)

  6. I'm really sorry to hear about what you're going through. I see people badmouthing about the game and you almost everyday and I had the thought that it might have gotten to you, and I'm sad to know that I was right. I hope you're doing better now and please look after your family and yourself first. Without you, we would not have even gotten a Dead Frontier. Thank you for your perseverance and good luck with working on the updates. Take care

  7. I just wanna say that you're awesome and your games are awesome. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep doing what you love

  8. You are definitely the best there is a solo dev and I highly respect you for that man. keep doing what inspires you and don't lose hope. We believe in you Neil, you can do It.

  9. hire people to help you with development if you want to feel a steady progress that is

    here is an example, Axiom Verge took 5 years to complete with only one developer
    so believe me that is going to take really long for you to finish this game, or even make something that the new players would appreciate.
    it's the problem with being a one army dev.

    for my part, as others have mentioned already, I'll be patient and keep playing. Good luck :)

  10. I hate to say this Admin, but we spoke once on Reddit and I foresaw this.

    DF2 is a beautiful game, it’s the future. But DF1 is like people’s first love, they don’t know why they love it it can be a pain in the ass but they love it anyways.

    People, including myself supported your decision to make a new game. But deep down I’d of preferred for you to just overhaul DF1 as did many others.

    Fix the issues, move all our stuff over, give it an update. Then focus on making DF2 everything it can and deserves to be! Everyone will be happy and you’ll have 2 polished games, something for everyone.


    1. Because of the nature of the game I don't think an overhaul is possible for df1. He was thinking about it before but decided against it because it was too difficult to program for. Too much legacy code. It was a pain in the ass for Admin, too.

      DF2 has much more potential to give the features everyone wanted from DF1. The basic things like a minimap have not even been implemented yet. I feel like he's leaving it in a lurch at the worse possible time.

    2. THIS IS VERY TRUE! "DF2 is a beautiful game, it’s the future. But DF1 is like people’s first love" Heck, I'm playing it right now. T.T

  11. hope next update add more new cosmetic for weapon or colour for all weapon :D

  12. Keep up the good work Admin. Once you introduce more content and have a finished df2 game, the playerbase will comeback. Try not to compare df1 and df2 they are completely different games. Allocate resources for both games and ignore the haters. In regards to cosmetics for df2, which I am assuming is the main source of income for this game, I feel the prices need to be lowered just a little and even introduce discount bundles and more variety of cosmetics. This will hopefully encourage more income into the game, just check similar games like League of Legends. Good luck!

    Your favourite DF2 streamer,

    King Eminem

  13. DF2 main point is team effort (area limitations - the loading before get in the building or the rooms - could improve this team side thought many ways) / thriller / missions / and in future it could be secret stuff and areas or danger zones.
    Take a time to think based on the new games modules what would work on df2 based on what you already made now without taking out your perspective of a dream game. I look to df2 and i see a master piece that only needs the right adjustments to become a money machine and the fair fun (players getting what they want without needing to spend lots of money / because the secret of most top modern games is that they make people spend based on the idea that the user project their image on the character in the game = illusion = ... and at the same time spending does not give unfair advantage = skill = ) . If you take this in mind you can build up df2 better.

  14. I'm sad to see this as I love DF2's potential as a game. It was building into the true horror MMO everyone wants. With that being said, Admin, take care of yourself first and foremost. If you're not happy, take a break. If you're too overwhelmed, take a break! This might be your job, but more than just your job is at risk when you're stressed, overwhelmed and depressed. You have an incredibly devote fanbase to still be successful with DF1 after all these years. There's no shame in asking for some help every once in a while. I'm willing to bet there are tons of users that are willing to assist with development no matter how small the task. Remember, $$$ isn't the only form of compensation that exists! Always remember you have options no matter the situation. You only run out when you've given up completely.

    1. No it wasn't building into the true horror MMO we want, but it was by far the most nice effort he offered to the world till now.

  15. In my personal opinion,i prefer DF1 to DF2 for some reasons:
    First, DF1 is unique, there´s no other game like DF1 and above all free while DF2 we can see you got some inspirations from other games like Resident Evil,Path of exile,etc.
    Second: when i started playing DF1, i felt excited and the more i played,the more i enjoyed because i could feel the atmosphere of the game,the difficulty increasing as i was progressing through the game you know? The more you play,more and different zombies you encounter stronger items,new bossses,everything is different in some way while is DF2 what you see at the first 10 minutes of gameplay is basically everything the game has to offer and i understand the game has just released,it´s in alpha,new things will be added but maybe the release was too early and people got too much hyped and now their hype is gone and you know how people are,they get mad and start talking bad about the game,as a developer you should be mentally prepared for that.
    Finnaly,the third reason is more of a personal one.I prefer the fast paced combat than the slow paced combat and because of that i feel like DF1 and DF2 are two completely different games with different goals. I like the adrenaline i get when playing DF1 and find myself alone in a area far away from the outpost and outnowhere i get aggro,hordes of zombies coming after me and knowing that if i die i will lose my items,money,exp makes me think first before acting,i like that but in DF2 the gameplay is slow,normal zombies take some time to die,bossses are kinda the same as normal zombies,nothing new so,in my opinion, the game is a bit lame.
    I don´t understand anything of coding and i read your problem with DF1 that wasn´t you coding but i believe if DF1 kept being updated even if you had to rewrite yourself the code but the same and better as the current code of DF1, i believe it would be a much bigger sucess than DF2 on steam. You gained experience and discovered new things making DF2 and you could apply that on DF1. I understand it would take a very long time since you also work,have a life to live and you probably are very tired of coding then simply take break,think about your choices and focus on only one of the games.

  16. Hi admin, I am a hong kong player and I would like to help you make the game better, if you really need some help about 3d modeling (like gun) or language transfer, feel free to content me! I am a multi media student so feel free to content if you do need some help!

  17. get rid from all of those "not fun" element in the game
    if you wanna go for realistic then make both side go realistic
    if headshot gonna mean something that you must taking time to do it then make it worth to do so and not a BB guns VS bullet sponge like this

    separate weapon bonus attribute from the level requirement ,separate basic movement from active skill and get rid off those nonsense movement restriction

    or if you wannd make it go fully unreal game logic with a BB guns VS bullet sponge then just make a trade off advantage for both side just like when you did it in DF1

    if you putting both way together then it gonna turn out like the current DF2
    it not fun to play and there are nothing to keep people playing it either

    so just choose one

  18. I agree with those who say it is best for you to concentrate on one game at a time! And I must say it is exciting to hear of updates for DF1, there are many players who will feel that their faith in DF1 is paying off and i am sure many players will come back!

    I have one request, please take the uwc off the market. It has been available "for a limited time" for 3 years now. I realize it is a source of income for DF1 but I am sure that the GM's that people buy what with the updates will more than compensate.

    It would be wise to put an announcement on DF2. Say that you are focusing on one game at a time, and you will give updates.

    Neil the reason DF2 players dropped off is that the game is very repetitious. All towns, all bldgs, all bosses, look alike. There is so much room for you to be creative! From the time you first announced DF2, and the fact that it would not be pay to win, Many people along with myself could see no way you could make a profit.

    I honestly think that is the first priority with DF2. Figure out how it will be profitable.Of course, after you spend some much needed time on DF1, or classic DF as many people call it.

    Bottom line, put your time where it is needed and where it will be successful for you. Do not even worry about DF2! Not until you have spare time! Put it out there, what you are doing, announce it on DF2 with no apologies!

    I am so excited to see what you do with DF1! I t has been a long time coming!

  19. It's sad to see the game in this state. I hope things improve.

  20. Players asked you for updates for years. And we got nothing. You released new game instead. You lost one year for this. Our year. For those who waiting for updates here - cmon ppl its Neil and youll get nothing.

  21. Good evening, Neil Yates. This is Jung Hwan Kim

    as I am introducing myself as a game programmer.

    I have experience 23 months of game programming in Unity Game Engine which you created Dead Frontier 1 and 2 by.

    I am trying to assist you if I can accelerate your game developing project "Dead Frontier 2"

    Your game has great potential future and great game design, yet it is very regretful and wasteful if you let your game to be unpopular and dead

    that you have been working for years!

    My portfolio has been sent to your email address!

    The number of your game players is reaching to 200 players within a month.

    I have already requesting for 3 times for the internship, you have not answered me at all.

    Yes! I am free labor man, so let me have your discussion how your game can be improve for your future game

    during my free time.

    You don't need to pay me by your paycheck, After I have done your work. Your game shall be nice and polished while I can have my own portfolio to write

    about me to search my better career. Does it sound good to you?

    I look forward to have your answer if there is an internship available for me free.


    Jung Hwan Kim

  22. Coming from an ARTIST myself i understand the stress and the nasty criticism you can get or receive from your customers. So don't worry done a great and wonderful job to both the DF1 and DF2 fans. I am a DF1 Veteran lol and i enjoy ever little bit of it and thank you for an amazing childhood of playing these games til midnight!!! don't give up and don't even let these comments get to you. Because you are the gods of these two games and do whatever you can in your power to make this a success!.

    Take it easy and the true fans will stay til the end and keep playing your games! stop being depressed and get back up mate. You got this!!!!

    Na-nee yang.

  23. I am a big fan of dead frontier 2. Do your best admin. I can wait for update

  24. Be strong and keep doing what you do as you feel right. I have a wife, daughter, work and currently building my own house. So I can understand about tired/stressed/burnt out and depression, but don't give up, you have talent, use it as you see fit.

    Can I humbly ask you for something before you focus again on DF1?
    I understand you are having a rough time but please before you go to DF1 again, please add minimap on DF2 so the people like me who will remain on DF2 waiting your return can have at least some good update like the minimap to play more comfortable in the mazes that random buildings can be most of the time, with marks for NPCs.. a little minimap like the oldschool dungeons rpgs at least. Very basic and maybe very easy to do.

    I SUPPORT YOU EITHER WAY because I enjoy your games, and DF2 is an unshaped diamond as it is now but with a lot of potencial. Go back to DF1 if you thinks is best, I play that too. But DF2 has my attention now and at least give us the minimap feature for the people that will stay at DF2 waiting your return.

    Don't depress, many people support you

    1. Yeah, the minimap is a good idea. I think it's an update a lot of people want now.

  25. Keep in mind the credits bought in df1 applied to df2 through. So if it still works like that, then many people may be buying GM and such in DF1 specifically to get DF2 credits. I know I've done that when my GM was about to expire. So maybe it's not so clearcut as you think profit-wise.

    Also, I think most of the complaints and low activity may be due to the current state of the prestige system, which many people don't like. I'm not sure how many exactly. Maybe you should put up a poll to determine this.

    Anyway, a lot of people got burned out playing the first month or so grinding and are just taking a break. I know that's the case with me. I'm just waiting for the content update. There is a lot of competition for games on steam, so that becomes a factor. DF1 is also a little more unique because of it's top down perspective compared to DF2's over the shoulder view.

    Up to you whether you want to work on df1 or df2 for now. I think you've done ok for a solo developer. A lot of players are just used to bigger teams.

    Anyway, I think DF2 has a ton of potential, and it's still in early access, so I'm not fretting.

  26. Hello Neil
    I'm Iván from Argentina
    I want to tell you that You have done an amazing work with DF1 and DF2, I really like both games and I dont want DF2 to dissapear, even though I feel that the Prestige system is unrewarding, I will continue playing DF2, and buy credits when a have the chance.
    I'm not a professional, but I think I can help to translate the game to Spanish in my spare time, i've translated the game Wiki page already so I think I can help you with that.
    Take care of your body and mind first, those who are really fans of your work can wait for updates.
    Thanks for all your hard work!

  27. Greetings Neil from Michigan,USA. I have played DF1 since 2012. I love it still. I login on occasion to check for updates. I long for the day when I login and see them. And what do I really want to see? A brand new outpost deep in the depths of the wastelands and some random structures to barricade in. Give the end gamers more and watch them flock back. Some of us feel like there's nothing left for us in DF1 because we have/did everything. Give us more Neil! We hunger for it and will be here like dogs under the kitchen table at dinner time waiting for a scrap to hit the floor.

  28. I enjoy DF2 but looking back at the DF1 when it first began did it have similar numbers? I only ask as DF2 is still in the early stages, you can't expect it to compete with a 10 year old finished product. This game has potential so I hope you are able to keep the work for it coming or look into getting some helping hands in development.

  29. A lot of things from DF2 could make DF1 even better with the loading screens ect. I kinda left DF1 after putting in about 5 Years of gamming and have around 300+ hours on DF2 atm. I would love to see new zombies or bosses on DF2.
    Maybe adding GM into DF2 like DF1 would boost the financial gains for that game? like in DF1 it isn't 100% compulsory but it is highly recommended. Could do the same with DF2, like extra exp gain, loot speed and quality boost. Maybe even more inventory space and walk/run speed boosts too? cuz I have about 25% plus walk speed and I still feel kinda slow. Maybe just me.
    Keep up the good work though.

  30. you know i actually got curious. and to this day i looked up the stock price for creaky corpse and was baffled by the sign that you are a 1 man operating company. not literally but the company is 1000% owned by you. you have put more on youre plate than anyone could begin to try and accomplish. you have created a platform of zombie killing like no other thats simple and awesome to play. some TLC on DF1 would be awesome. majority of us really are from DF1 and would love to see it grow more. dont sell yourself short man! i played in 2009 and i came back almost 10 years later to happly log in to my same account i remade in 2013 :D still alive!

  31. I wanted an opportunity to express a few things from my own personal perspective. I was very excited for the longest time about DF2, as someone who played DF1 years ago, who wanted something more modern. I guess I should start by saying I'm definitely saddened by your recent update post, but I get it, to an extent. Especially with my personal mental and emotional challenges, I'd be pretty winded in your shoes. That being said... DF2 has an awesome core structure in terms of gameplay itself, aside from the mind-numbing grindfest part. Like the combat, and atmosphere are great, and fun so far. It's just the game currently gets too repetitive, too quickly, imo. That's not just due to the lack of content either. The entire game, at the moment, is geared strictly for a mindless grind, and not the fun kind, especially since there isn't currently proper incentives for such a grind. I can see you've been trying hard to basically make DF2 a better and more modern DF1, but imo, at least currently, the transition hasn't exactly been great in that regard. Personally, I think DF2 should be restructured to instead be its own game, while still being a lore/story/aesthetic sequel. So far, I really like the atmosphere, and the combat. That much is far from perfect, but still good. The way grinding and leveling are structured, is bad in my opinion. I can still see DF2 as a great survival/horror multiplayer game, but the grind and current leveling implementation severely hurts, if not straight up kills the survival-horror factor, which personally, I think survival-horror really should be the focal point, rather than trying to balance a mmo-like grind. I'm just going to throw it out there but..there's a reason current popular mmos have either cut down on the traditional grind, or implemented ways for said "grind" to be fun throughout, and not entirely mundane and mind-numbing. All this being said, I'm not putting you or the game down in any way, I'm just offering an unbiased personal perspective, as a lifelong gamer, who loves a bit of everything, including survival horror like Resident Evil. Anyway, these are just my opinions. I wanted to express them to you because I still see the game's core at least having great potential. Personally, I really think DF2 should be re-structured to put focus away from mindless grind,level,prestige, etc. Keep the game marketplace, and the current world content as well as combat are pretty solid imo. Maybe do an optional battle pass implementation of sorts and cycle out stat-based leveling. Keeping everyone on equal ground stat-wise would also greatly benefit pvp by encouraging better timing, and skill. I think boss encounters would also be better if they were more than just strong bullet sponges. Like in resident evil, I do feel special infected should require more firepower, but I dunno.. I feel the special infected are too predictable to be "scary", and the way zombies spawn right now "infinitely through doors" is also just too predictable. The zombies occasionally "playing dead" is great, I like that feature. I'm sure these ideas would take a ton of effort to actually go through with, and more importantly, time, and I'm not saying my ideas are anywhere near perfect either, I just really feel like DF2 should focus a lot more on actual horror-survival, and do away with stat grinding. Not just with leveling, but with gear related stats too. That transition alone could create a fair and even pvp playing ground, maybe even open up more potential in the future such as role-play, which is increasing in popularity. Anyways, who knows. I could be wrong, as I can only speak for myself in the end. I just wanted to bounce some ideas off of you. <3

    1. Also, just to re-iterate, my ideas are for DF2 only. DF1 is a whole different beast, and a working tried and true one at that.

  32. Just add more zombies in every area, we'll do the rest

  33. Neil...update the game anyway you want bru...its your vision...heck work on both games at the same time...I truly enjoy both games...right now just playing df2 at the moment. Don't worry about the ney sayers...its YOUR game not theirs. If they can do better let them create their own game...df2 was just born and peoples want the baby to all ready run....bro good job on both games and continue the good more thing, pls change prestige back to ten...I'm going to hit prestige 5 soon and I'm looking forward to continue leveling, peoples don't understand that the more levels or prestiges added will ultimately create s stronger character, ala df1....make it a long road like on df1...people will come and go from df2 just like people did in df1..long road is what kept me playing df1 on and off for 7 years...once again, good job and just do the game the way you see fit...follow your instinct, like you did on df1....Neil, I will always be a fan of your creation!

  34. The author can not reasonably adjust the experience of level 20 to level 30, so that the player does not spend a lot of time on the experience upgrade, the death border 2 generations are doing very well, because the reason for one person development leads to slow progress. Slow is acceptable. Hope can be updated slowly. As long as the data is reasonable, there are too many upgrade experiences, which makes the player feel frustrated.

  35. The author can not reasonably adjust the experience of level 20 to level 30, so that the player does not spend a lot of time on the experience upgrade, the death border 2 generations are doing very well, because the reason for one person development leads to slow progress. Slow is acceptable. Hope can be updated slowly. As long as the data is reasonable, there are too many upgrade experiences, which makes the player feel frustrated.

  36. The author is cheering, this game is very promising, and it can be updated slowly. As long as the value is reasonable and the Chinese language is updated, this game can be fired. I am a game anchor. If I update the Chinese, I can help with the promotion.
    PS: I hope that the author can lower the upgrade experience of 20 to 30, which will make the player easy to accept the level upgrade, otherwise the experience will be too frustrating for the player.

    1. Totally agree ... so why I should up to lv 30 knowing that the max lv was 20 some months ago =(

  37. Now China's game market is very hot, and the live broadcast industry is also very hot. If the game launches Chinese language, it will attract a large number of Chinese players and Chinese game anchors to enter the game. From this point of view, updating the game can make the online number of games increase steadily, and then Slowly update the game content, I hope the author can adopt the opinion. The cultural workload of the game language is not big. As long as the Chinese language is updated, Chinese players can help promote the game. There are many potential Chinese players in this type of game, only because of the English level. If you don't have a good language problem or not, you can update the Chinese language to keep the number of online players at a peak.

  38. Now China's game market is very hot, and the live broadcast industry is also very hot. If the game launches Chinese language, it will attract a large number of Chinese players and Chinese game anchors to enter the game. From this point of view, updating the game can make the online number of games increase steadily, and then Slowly update the game content, I hope the author can adopt the opinion. The cultural workload of the game language is not big. As long as the Chinese language is updated, Chinese players can help promote the game. There are many potential Chinese players in this type of game, only because of the English level. If you don't have a good language problem or not, you can update the Chinese language to keep the number of online players at a peak.

  39. Now the Chinese player's spending power is very positive, the death border 2 this game I have recharged 6500CC points in a month, I am just a normal player, if the Chinese language is out, the online number of players and the recharge will increase significantly. In China, the hot game industry and the live broadcast industry.

  40. The author is cheering, don't be discouraged, the prospect of this game is very good, you can update it slowly, don't worry, now the frustration is normal, this time is also a new way for the game to introduce a new player group, in the new The player group is slowly updating to enrich the content of the game, the game will get more and more fire, come on! :)

  41. Prestige system change to Prestige1-5 reset start at lv1 , Max level 20
    Prestige 6-10 reset Start at Lv20 , Max level 30

  42. Hi, Df2 is not bad, but this game , need new inventory ,similar to DF online MMORPG, new beastiary (zombies),It is easier to find money and cheaper items and finally as an idea the game mode could be similar to Left 4 dead game.

  43. Bah! uber early access, stick with it you'll get there.I haven't been playing df2 past he first week or 2 because i'm just waiting for future patches and meanwhile been grinding lv's in df1 trying to hit that 100 mark at least.

    Reading comments and insults will make anyone depressed lol. those numbers your looking at will probably improve.

  44. DF2 is dam scary compared to df1, little worried once df2 is big like df1 i'll be spending a lot more time on df2, maybe some cross missions for df1 players?
    My first df2 boss experienced; Ran into room, giant thing Hollard at me so loud it almost killed me, Runs out the room and never went back lol

  45. You keep surrounding yourself with df1 GM's that led other players who are willing to play and pay decently to walk away, good luck!

    And yeah! Even bums get tired and thqt is why they also sleep. You keep pulling out hat "victim" card everytime you get cornered.

  46. hang in there dude :/ let us know how we can help you.

  47. Hey there, long time DF player, since 2-D beta, I just recently got back into DF1 because my computer cant handle DF2 :(. Im in discord now and its usually days before anyone gets back to me. I have hope that it will come back, i'm really sorry to hear how stressed you been. Just know that the oldschoolers like myself are always 100% behind you admin. Reading this today, I went ahead and signed up for gold on DF, for a few more months, I hope it helps man! Thank you for years of amazing service!

  48. Don't Give up, I am sad to say that i am one of the players who hardly login often but, it is mostly because it started to feel like a repetitive grind... but that is honestly how it should be in such a world. the game has much potential and feels so much like the game i loved before. i am excited to see how you progress the game, and hope that it can feel more...unexpected.. if that makes sense. either way i love the game and still plan to play it!

  49. Even if most of people don't believe in the future of your game, there are some like me who would like to see your game pulled up, take your time and keep making us dreams ! courage =D

    A French fan

  50. dude it doesn't have enough content to keep people coming back i really don't know what you were thinking with a prestige system. a prestige system works in games like call of duty were all guns and all unlocks are balanced to be just as powerful and useful as high level stuff. but in this game every level you get makes you much more powerful. i feel like it was just a sad way to try and pretend theirs more content when the real big problem is there isnt much content. in all honesty i dont mind a somewhat broken game if it has lots of content. i'll still play the shit out of it

    1. Yes, no survival horror. But the prestige system is still just the tip of the bad iceberg.

  51. Loving the game no matter the quality.

    It's early access, there's no reason to expect a lot in the beginning, but in the future.

    And so i'll be playing this til' it rises up once again.

  52. Honestly your game has been the first to actually scare me since Dead Space. I wished I had the audio fixed when I streamed it because I was legit psyched out. Learned quickly that a rookie lvl 3 should not go into a higher level area without the right perks or equipment. Keep strong

  53. Não se sinta tão desanimado assim, sei que está em uma situação difícil de se lidar e também sei que somente você sabe o que está passando . Mas muitos de nos não paramos por conta de achar o jogo ruim , eu por exemplo como muitos outros jogadores normalmente temos um horário bem apertado para jogar mas de forma alguma iremos desistir de jogar, eu admiro seu trabalho,seu jogo é muito bom. Quero um dia poder ser um desenvolvedor tão bom quanto você.
    Algo tenho a dizer que pode talvez ajudar a chamar atenção de mais jogadores e manter os atuais é criar um modo de jogo mais variado no qual não seja tão repetitivo a ponto do jogador cansar um pouco de jogar no dia. Algo como novos modos de jogo ou mais eventos e missões diferentes. Entendo ser um trabalho cansativo além de demorado e de um custo alto mas talvez possa funcionar.

    1. Não se sinta tão desanimado assim **

    2. Tive vários erros na hora de escrever por conta do tradutor automático e peco desculpas. Mas o que tentei dizer é que se orgulhe pelo seu trabalho que é excelente e para não desistir. Sou muito fã de seu jogo e quero poder ter o prazer de ve-lo crescer muito mais

  54. Desculpa pelos erros de escrita pelo tradutor automatico , quero dizer que admiro seu trabalho e quero ter o prazer de ver seu jogo crescer .
    Sou um fã e quero poder ser um dia um desenvolvedor tão bom quanto vocês são

  55. Pelos meus erros de escrita ****

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. I'm very sad about this post. I shared the game with many friends, but I really noticed that almost everyone stopped playing. I hope you creator of the game read my humble opinion. I have some suggestions and I hope they can help:

    1- Do everything to transform the dead forntier into an open world game.
    2- Only create a single server where ALL can connect as cities that will stay. Exactly equal to DF1.
    3- Create a system of increasing ammunition through characters carrying backpacks in the back. Hit P2W to the game. What is the problem you want to pay to have machine guns on df1? I think it's going to be more fun. Players in a CO-OP survival horror game. They do not care about other players being p2w. You could just try to balance the pw2 in competitions involving pvp. That would help a lot on the financial issue.
    4 - add the possibility of using vehicles (like GTA) players will find it more interesting if they can take off with vehicles in an open world.
    5 - Decrease the price of items for people from other countries. I'm from Brazil and bought only two items. The prices are a bit high when you convert the dollar into real.

    I really enjoyed dead frontier. But in the rooms with 8 players each one separates and does what he / she understands. I play Contagiun to this day. And I did not get sick of that game. Dead frontier needs to prioritize something involving co-op.

    1. He has to make an entirely new game almost, to apply the changes you say. And maybe he should, lol.

    2. I really hate p2w games and I hope this game doesn't be like that

  58. Dear sale of boxes of municoes at low price. Type 1 dollar / box. This will help pay the expenses temporarily.
    Whether or not you have to think about the bills.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. You can not compare the 2 games right from jump street man. Give it a minute shit. Octuple the size of the cities and the amount of towns or cites. I thought the buildings where randomly generated anyways?

    Its to small but its like an open alpha, i'm glad to be apart of it from bare bones. You got to give it time to grow so just keep watering it with love and new idea's. Maybe add some things later on that make it really cool like you can craft your own base's for your clan, add tanks lol idk shit.. why you asking meeee.

  61. For me, there is one word to describe df 1 and df 2. Df 1 is more like "sci-fi" zombie horror (because there are implants and science lab in secronom). And Df 2 is "classic" zombie horror (because the atmosphere is more dark and there is a back sound of old radio when we in a building). Both of them have their own uniqueness elements of addiction. The future of both of df 1 and df 2 is depend on how you and your team can develop their elements of addiction. Df 1 already has it's elements of addiction. So the future of Df 2 can be achieved by combining their elements of addiction without changing their own uniqueness. And me as your loyal player is always support you and your team. I believe you can do it, bro. :)

    1. He is one man army :) He developed the game by himself ! I have respect for this guy and how much effort, time and sweat he puts in this game .. ( Sry for bad english)

  62. I am for now a "dormant player" I'd like to call it. I've played this game a lot to begin with and it was truly fun. I still have high hopes for it, but after being able to solo my first tendril and learning to speed my way through missions by running past zombies it felt more like a chore than a fun challenge. I would mostly just like to see a little bit more zombie variety, more challenging areas and bosses as well as maybe something more to do once you reach max level. Some other kind of reward than just xp and money maybe or more rewarding items for the toughest bosses perhaps.

    I still believe in this game. It is good but feels incomplete, which isn't strange considering it is in early access. Don't sweat it. Come out with an update to ignite the spark for us dormant players who want a challenge and I'm sure me and many more like me will come back with a big smile on our faces.

  63. This game is dead due to budget. We thank you anyway for your efforts. It was a repetitive, non horror, uniteresting grindfest anyway. Won't be missed.

  64. I never played Dead Frontier 1. I played Dead Frontier 2 the first time and I started loving it. I liked the game because of the game itself, not because I am a Dead Frontier 1 player (I didn't play DF1 ever,noting again). I understand some people didn't like it but idk why. I love the game and will keep playing as long as I can. Keep up the good work and keep coming up with contents. You have my support.

  65. If you want to add something to DF1, remove the wait time when you die. I subscribed for months then couldn't afford it for personal reasons and came back and the wait is just ridiculous. Instant turn off for I'm sure a lot of players. DF2 has no wait time and it works.

  66. I've been following your work on the sequel and been playing your game since I discovered it. Dead Frontier 2 does have potential, it just needs some further updates and you need some help. Hire a couple of people who would help you out. I know it requires money but start little by little. Have some fun with the game and make sure to make the game fun as well. Don't be depressed and don't lose hope. There just might be a chance for you to redeem yourself and the game.

  67. DF2 is a great game, it just needs more content and im sure it will raise again. i will return as there are updates :-) good work Admin

  68. Contact me as soon as possible.
    This is in regards to Real Space.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. You should consider crowdfunding, or some kind of investment so that you can make the game more enjoyable. Anyways thats just my opinon. Keep doing great things! Thank you.

  71. just focus on adding outpost attacks, youre going to be fine, keep the good work ;P

  72. DF1... •reborn• <-- The real money maker

    1. Not to say that DF2 is a loss, but recreating DF1 from scratch would bring tears of joy to the world :)

  73. Big fan of both games, though personally I prefer DF2 over DF1. The main reason for this is that I played both versions of DF1: the 3D version and the older 2D version. In DF2, there is individual room loading, you can host lobbies that can be restricted to a small team of players, and players no longer seem to have the 'everybody spray and pray against the massive swarm of zombies' mentality due to there being fewer but stronger zombies. These aspects are really reminiscent of what I'd call the true classic of Dead Frontier: the 2D version. Don't get me wrong, 3D DF1 was incredible and I spent a lot of hours playing it. To me though, it just didn't hold that original appeal. It's more encouraging in DF2 to take things with a slower, more tactical approach and it holds a greater appeal to teamwork, imo. Something that 2D DF1 definitely had, and something which I believe was mostly lost in the 3D version due to the massive numbers of zombies you could have in a zone at once, and instancing.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Maybe the bug/stability fixes can be worked on? Release new things? let us craft stuff? Make cool new missions? Fast travel really does need to exist also. Give profession classes the ability to make/craft things. Perhaps give some better perks for membership, be more generous with free player accounts. The list can go on and on my friend, but all I can say is maybe take a few steps back, take some time for yourself, and hopefully you'll be 100% again soon.

    Take care and best wishes.


  76. I'm really sorry things didn't work out AdminPwn. If you ask me, the reason why DF2 kinda flopped was that it shared very little with the original game. It felt like Resident Evil Online rather than a sequel to DF1. I think it still has promise and will become a great game should the right changes happen. I was a huge fan of DF1 and while I don't play either games that much anymore I wish you the best of luck in the development of DF2 and future ventures.

  77. I played DF1 something about 10 years ago, DF2 unfortunally has no much content and is very repetitive open and open again some doors.
    I really like the concept, but need to reduce the size of places, is a lot of nothing and same thing. I'll keep playing but, dunno for how long if keep repetitive forever.

    Keep doing a nice work man, please don't stop.

  78. Incoming criticism; not meant to be mean or terrible, but simply blunt, as a fan of Creaky Corpse and DF1 AND 2.

    Want know know why people aren't playing? We're waiting for more content. I'll be coming back to play once there's actual motivation to, because as it stands I have no reason to log in and play. We're basically just looting, killing, keeping your stats up, repeating. There's no real endgame, there's nothing to sink time into, and there's not much variety or customization as it stands. I know you're upset about such a drop but when the game is still so bare bones, not even good gameplay itself can retain 1,000+ people regularly when there's so little. I'm sure you're aware of this, at least I hope you have been. There's just not much to really do once we put in the hours, and there's no satisfaction from reaching endgame or fighting harder enemies.

    The game just needs... More. Period.

  79. Go grab a beer and watch wreck it ralph 2 . Take a break grab some air and come back to create this amazing game.

    1. So much things u could improve..

      1. More hordes in higher lvl cap
      2. Npc battle. Where u fight againt npc raiders or attack their outpost and etc.
      3. Open friendly fire in higher level caps
      4. Enable pvp at higher lvl cap. This is a post apocolypse its suppose to be dangerous and unpredictable
      5. Make zombies dangerous.
      6. Enable zombie hunt.
      7. Make a map where the terrain changes each day just like ur house building layout. Make that map big and tada u have kinda like an open world concept.
      8. Enable us to set traps and etc
      9. New skills to allow us to see map, cook, craft, see zombie health bar and etc .
      Game is great but need fresh ideas. Its hard to implement some but you are on a roll here dont give up. Comments can b shit but thats the internet

  80. If you're still reading this my opinion is df2 is great, but I liked df1 more. I feel like df2 is less grinding which can be good but also bad, even though df1 you had to have GM to get double exp and the best loot, and grinding was very expensive, when you got the chance to grind, it was very fun. Mowing down hoards of zombies is really fun to me, not so much picking off 1 at a time before they reach me then taking another position. This is why I quit df2 so fast, I got burnt out of the same old " go in building, clear room, loot room, leave room, next room, clear room, loot room, rinse & repeat ". Never once while playing did I ever feel really powerful and strong and felt like I could mow down hoards. (didn't really feel that way in df1 much either tho because the pay to win made it hard for me to succeed, and because high end loot was so rare to find I was poor).

    Just my personal thoughts on both games there, not bad criticism, good thoughts, love both games. :)

  81. Played the game religiously in a sense but when I reached 15 (p2) I just got bored from repeating everything all over again. Plus the suggestions to make a few things more interactive and easier didn't get implemented, only level cap getting higher which makes it more grind then prestige 10 which made it more repetitive.

    I still want to play the game and come back but maybe when they improve the prestige in such a way I won't go back to level 1 yet again when I do it.

    1. Oh and in addition the game being not pay to win like DF1 is really attractive in a sense but the repetitiveness, lack of events and such probably is the cause that made people stopped playing. But as you said it isn't entirely finished yet a re-launching when a lot of the issues have been addressed would probably make the player count back to 10,000 or more.

      More power and good luck.

      I also played DF1 but the pay to win in that game made me quit after reaching level 35.

  82. I've been playing video games since I was 6 years old I enjoyed them as my pass time, but not a single zombie game that I've played has made me spend more time than D1, that's a fact even if i didn't know English I first starting playing it got me hooked, entertained, and always looking forward for a new update.even though I gave up on the game around 2-3 years later because the game felt so payed to win, and I wasn't able to advance to the point where I could solo a boss made me feel like that's what also got hooked in the first place since it was a challenge game that made f2p players work harder to get somewhere in the game. I've never seen a developer so upward trying to keep his own creation alive for do long, having a community behind him, and succeeding even without having that enough money bugget the game itself, and for that u have respect, keep on the good work, don't listen to anyone else negative comments, you have been a great job and still will, remember not everyone was able to make a top down zombie multiplayer survival game work like u did, hopefully that counts for something. Sincerely one of your fans in discord :)

  83. Sorry to hear about what you are going through. Related to the insults from people who shouldn’t be throwing them out and DF2 not going to plan. I like DF2 i just prefer the style of DF1 and have put many hours in. Financially struggling myself and having to take care of my sister and 2 brothers at most times while my mother works and tries to make some money isn’t easy so i have never really had any money to spare. I got gifted my first month of GM this month and it’s amazing. I just wish i could make it a recurring thing. Not only to support you but the game i enjoy. I also noticed some nee things in DF1 recently and they are looking good and i am eager to see what is added in the future. Also i wish you all the best not only for DF1 & 2 but your health and wellbeing. Thank you so much for everything you do for us and i am so glad i can support you even if not much.

  84. i think you said something about while making df2 that df1 economy was bad, i can say i have at least 12 acconts but no one is more than lv 50, the problem is i live in brasil and GM cost are to much for brasil salary (wich is less than R$1000 and market is too high on guns and ammo, i sure will return to both game if there is more content but i have to say that the grind in df1 kills a lot of player

  85. I haven't played Dead Frontier 2 yet. Mainly because of things in my real life and steps I'm taking to get my own dreams going.
    THAT SAID DF2 is beautiful from the game play videos I've seen. DF1 although I never got very far in it for all the times I've played, but I still liked it a lot.

  86. However this may unfold in the months to come, you’ve done something to be proud of in DF2.
    I played the early browser version of your game so many years ago, and I still remember the excitement of an irradiated boss sighting. Knowing it was indie filled me with ideas, many of which I spammed in the DF forums.
    Your game is part of what inspired me to get a degree in game development myself. Now, 5 years after graduating, all I have to show for it are some polished assets and a few showcase proof of concept builds. You built a game, man... And then another. We artists are a passionate bunch, and so having people torch something you poured your heart and soul into can’t not hurt, but one thing most of those pesky little shits taking swipes at you don’t understand is the sheer amount of will power to see a project to any degree of fruition. Not to mention the talent.

    Your dedication to your craft alone will be the Dusk armor you need to power through these hordes of clueless haters and onto continued success.
    Living the dream! ✊🏽

  87. Hi AdminPwn! We've have been streaming and promoting DF2 for about a month when it was first launched. However, we are actually waiting for the "alarms to ring" or should i say when outposts are being overwhelmed with zombies just like DF1. WE are closely waiting for the next big update so we can do more and promote the game more! Dont lose hope! We also want to see DF2 stay! - Kyun E-Sports!

  88. Dead Frontier 2 is lining up to be everything I've hoped for since the early days of the first Dead Frontier. I'll admit, all of my friends and myself have put a significant amount of time into the first game. We're all excited for the future of Dead Frontier 2 and actively let people know that it's out there, being awesome, and it's only going to get better.

  89. Idk wut to say since im late to respond and busy with work and collage...the game is pretty good but it still early access so i feel kinda missing but still good one...Be back if the game was done...GL for it and Have Good Life...(IDK wut happen with my old df1 after all)

    1. Just please take care yourself from stress to much...Make sure you always having good health....

  90. i want to play but it doesn’t work on Mac :(

    1. I really can't understand why people use Mac ??? It's so bad option ... For everything !

  91. Hello, are you planning to launch a Spanish Version of the Dead frontier 2?

    I can help with that. I'm a translator and I can make a good loclaization of the game.


  92. I didn't know there was deadfrontier 2.
    Just knew it yesterday and I really wanna play it.
    Why don't you send a email to the list of players of DF1? I really think they will at least try DF2.

  93. Man i really have hope in this game, i dont play it because its very repetitive but sometimes i see the blog or the news in steam to follow it`s development, i really want this game to have a great future and a lot of players. LUCK :)

  94. Just wanting to say, friends and I just recently found this game...and play it each day for at aleast 4 hours. We love it. Great job in creating it, and thank you for your hard work.

  95. Hey, I have a 10 year old game that's P2W and generates alot of revenue even if I didn't update it in a while. Hmm, let's make a part 2 of the game but cut 50% of the content from the first one, add a little more BS to it, make it F2P but only have overpriced cosmetics for it, add some unrealistic guns, scrap the idea for making animations cus who needs them, have every little room be apart with a loading screen, and done. My brand new brilliant game is done and it looks playable. Let me add the "Early access" stamp so people won't get confused that's its shit. And release it on steam. Hmmm my two week game has a much lower player base then my 10 year old game. Imma go for a vacation, im sure things will resolve. Oh shit things are worst. Welp that's my hope of getting more money gone, lets go back to the easy and effective way. But people will question me, let me just express my dying dreams for money and growing fake depression thru a blog, that should clear things up. Welp time to go back to the old and efficient method of making money.

  96. If you want to work on both that's cool, I've played df1 for a good while. Deleted characters over and over so I never ranked higher than 52 my current, should have had one at least over 100 by now but whatever. If its fun keep playing I always say and F@$%k what other ppl say. Glad Your working on both and Really going to enjoy df2 a lot more when more work is finshed on it. I think the really cool thing about the DF games is this Dev will keep working on them and looking forward to watching df2 evolve over the years. Thanks for your efforts and Don't worry df2 will turn into a mon ey maker for you eventually ..i'm sure of it.

  97. The elf knife is really fun and cool to have in the game. Nice job with the crafting too. Playing DF since 2009.

    The issue that I see with this game is that there is no clear goal. For DF, there was always runs to "death row" to maybe eventually get an m60, grinder, m82, etc. You added dusk weapons, new dusk armor, and lvl 325 cap with the X-dusk set. We even have ultra-boost. DF2 has NO goal. You can prestige 3 times and get 3 extra skill points? Bullshit. That is extra end game nonsense after you beat an actual game.

    I personally recommend changing the name (2) to a subtitle and giving it a story and main mission line. It can work as a stand alone, even a prequel. What is important is a goal. A story gives it a goal and you can leave literally everything else intact. Just add some unique gear and bosses that only spawn in the post-story period. Prestige is not a goal and having a few extra skill points does not justify re-leveling your character.

    Goal. Story. Main mission line. Don't pay me, don't thank me. Nike. Just do it.

  98. It was a mistake to even trust you to deliver what was expected when all you really care about is money. Remember GAU-19 and credit card fraud? Couldn't keep your hand out of the cookie jar, could you? Voila, "Wraith Cannon". "Vengeance Guard". Good riddance.

  99. I guess your problem is that the game is too repetitive and it starts to get boring after a few hours/days of playing, if you could think in a solution for that, i would be more than pleased to play again, i've spent 60 playing so far...

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Hey Neil, I know how much stress u have in life. In one side there is family witch is most important part in life, and in other side there is DF1/DF2 community.I can imagine how much time, effort and sweat u put to made this great DF2 game. As one developer u must be prepared for all good and bad criticsm. Don't lose hope, stay strong, we believe in you. Just let me say couple words about DF2. I think the main ''problem'' why people are angry or mad on you, cuz u didn't do one main update couple months for sure. Like I'm said game is great, but need change. Need new areas, need stuff, new mission. One example, I play DF2 every day minimum 8-9 hours. I just want to get upgrade to get level 20. I don't have a problem for now cuz game is repetitive, but it is. But what when I get level 20, what then ? Will I have the will to do the same mission every day, find the same people and things ?? Will it be boring to kill zombies for hours? The problem is in the buildings and cities that are the same. I've talked with a lot of people who are level 20 or more and say that they do not have more will to play because they have become all the same. Maybe a new model of infected zombies would be interesting to the community? Or to add some forest, some field, it would be interesting to have more streets where they can kill the infected.In any case, one major update is needed !!!
    However, you will always have the support of true fans and players. Do not lose hope, you have contributed a lot to the community, and community are immensely grateful for that !!

    1. The main reason people are mad is because he left DF2 as soon as he saw he wasn't making quick cash like on DF credits and P2W items.

  102. Just as a player who has never paid "real" money to play a game, i would like to say Thanks, Neil...People can complain all they want - and they do - but when it all is said and done, fuck 'em. There are a few valuable constructive criticisms you can get value from, but for the most part, people are gonna bitch about shit. So just wanted to say that I for one will continue to waste my time playing your games (both DF1 AND DF2) because they are fun for me. Sure, they could be better. maybe they will be. maybe not. I appreciate the fact i can escape for awhile - for free even! so to all you haters, make a better game yourselves, offer criticism that is intended to help make the game better, or shut the fuck up. And again - Thank you, Neil. :)

  103. I dont know if you'll read this but i feel this has to be said:
    you've done a great job so far with the dead frontier series which I've played since the first flash game that caught me off guard with its charm and hectic action on newgrounds, through the "choose your own adventure" games and the multiplayer/mmo titles.

    you've definitely been an inspiration and a learning experience to me who has been studying and trying to get into game design for the past 2 years only to see how hard this is (funnily its mostly the people part I'm having a hard time with. i enjoy my games even when they're just a plain empty terrain with random enemies tossed around)

    I trust you'll be able to pick up DF2 in the future and bring it to a fully fleshed out game for you and others to enjoy and I'm looking forward to what we'll see there.

    also - happy new year :D

  104. Yes, I played df 1. I remember in 2012 I guess, I worked hard to get the exterminator suit and mask, combined with that sexy beret and brown trench coat. Yes I gave a positive rev for df 2 I was really excited even surprised by the atmosphere in the game. The pros for this game are that there is no f2p zombie apocalypse game or I’m mistaken, and it can be played on any ok rig. (Everyone got crazy on battle royale games [facepalm]). The downs are that it feels it needed some time, and first for the flexibility of characters that players control (like sneaking/sneaking behind the corner - an idea). And events for certain periods (drop supply in an area), that could give a nice gameplay. But I’m not in measure to influence the engine of a game, so I just say what comes to mind. Overall df 2 can be something nice and it haves a lot of expandable potential I loved the zombies they really felt complete from the beginning. The df series haves its uniques like any other succesful or less succesful end of the world game so it will be sad to lose it. I played H1Z1 for example when it was released and believe me, I couldn’t make the difference between the ground and my legs. Graphics looked dust... the shooting and movement was awful. They fixed that after a while, but still. For that game I give 30% completion for engine. To df 2 I’ll give 70% completion for engine (ratings for newly released game).... What I’m trying to say, df 2 isn’t the worst bugged or problematic new born game.

    Hope you will recover and you can do it. Regards from Eastern Europe.

  105. keep up the good work Neil. I would happy dump 500$ on this game if it let me!

  106. Hey Neil! Game dev here and old fan of DF1. I've bought in-game stuff both in the old game and the new game. I understand how it feels to put so many months or even years of effort into something that doesn't receive the attention or feedback the effort you put in deserves. But then again, DF2 is really ambitious, more so given the fact that a one-man-army is developing it. You're far from being half the way to finishing it, and that's the reason why DF2 is failing. What did you expect? The game is a small fraction of what it will become one day, and until then it will have a small fraction of the player base.

    I don't know you on a personal level, but I can offer you some advice: get those emotions in check. You didn't develop DF1 and DF2 by "feeling" depressed. You achieved these great games by sitting long hours in front of a screen working. YOU decided to take the responsibility of developing the masterpiece of ambition that is DF2, and deep inside you, you know there's still a very long ways to go. If you're reading this; I encourage you to focus only on DF2. Make it the masterpiece that you dreamed of with the thousands of players it deserves. It won't be easy - but you knew this from the start.

    Because truly all the negative shit people have been throwing around about DF2 - it all boils down to people expressing how much they yearn for DF2 finished, and being disappointed about its current state. Because we're counting on you, Neil. Deep inside, the fans, the lovers, and the haters - all of us want DF2 finished. DF2 WILL be profitable, but not in its current state. We're all counting on you, and willing to support your continuing progress.

    Truly all the best. Good luck!
    -A sincere fan

  107. still playing df 1 and 2 and i never stop playing

  108. been playing a while DF2...i have a few suggestion,

    1)i notice that the quest system is OK but getting the quest need a lot of works, why don't you just put all the quest on Quest Board to make player easier accessing the quest, n label the difficulty of the mission...

    2) need some kind of mini map like DF1

    3) iam used to aim using the mouse and move forward base on the direction of the mouse point to... makes easier to control the character...just add press ALT for free cam view for player to see the surrounding...

    4) the item menu need a little more works...DF1 menu is much more easy to manage... :P

    5) the movement of the character,zombie and the game it self is a bit slow pace and lacks of hardcore like the DF1...( is there no sprinting in DF2 ? or is it just me )

    6) to much indoor then outdoor mission related...i need more space to play outside of the building... :P

    7) make the character able to interact with the surrounding object, like be able to climb on top of boxes of hide inside the closet...make use of the 3D environment, make it open world... DF1 lacks the 3D, so this will make the DF2 stands out from DF1...

    hope you will read this, thanks

    A player who still waiting for the BOOM !! of DF2

    1. and aa.... i just bought a gtx 1060 6gb just to play this game in highest setting... :D

  109. almost 3 months, still n oupdate, i had high hopes for this game, but its sinking faster than the titanic

    1. There probably won't even be any major updates. He would rather go back to his old source of income (DF1) then to finish DF2. He's only driven by money and doesn't care about anything else. DF2 didn't live up to his expectations on how much money he could make so he threw it under a bus.

  110. how would it earn any money if you have no drive update and keep developing its really early in development and is more intensive than flash its not going to hold a ton of attention but there is no need to abandon it just because you think its flopped it hasn't and your negative reviews on steam say you made a mistake and should have come up with an alternate way for people to support you directly

  111. its a good game but people must've rushed too fast within the content and expected all the same content from the first game to be in the sequel from the very beginning since it was released in a way that anyone could play it right away and people are normally that spoiled and especially demanding for more content.

    Its just my opinion though, I think df2 is a pretty solid game with lots of potential, I just think it should've been more exclusive in who played it in its unfinished state because people have a poor habit of comparing sequel title games to the original and when it actually released for the general public it would've had the legs to stand on for the long-haul and the momentum of being finally open to the general public, it would've been a slower development but it would've had the hype and influx of new players playing it and a higher possibility to investing money in the game.

    I still have high hopes for the future of this game and I hope I wasn't rude in any way, have a good day.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. me and my wife love df2 and we will stream it all the way to the end game we have noticed some small updates here and there we see them esp when we are streaming and we talk about them and give feed back on the game play and every thing we want this game to be great and we love it we would def be very helpfull if you need us to be with dead frontier 2 if you want to catch our streams thats the channel i also upload them to youtube :) cheers and me and my wife will be with this game till the end :)my DISCORD name is ATUROK

  114. Please allow characters be faster, stronger, etc. without pay for boost, in DF1.

  115. DF1 and DF2 are both great considering the resources that went into them, man. You've done a great job and I really hope to see something of yours absolutely take off. You know how to make shit that's just fun.

  116. bring DF1 concept to DF2 world zombies apocalyptic..

  117. I am only asking one thing, convet df1 to mobile version. Most of us old Df1 players are busy now. We were still in school or kids when we used to play df nowadays we dont have time to sit down in front of the computer and play for even a few minutes. But if you can put it in mobile we can play it time to time while using the washroom, when it is boring at work, etc.

  118. I love DF, man! My friends and I are just starting DF2, and we loved the game. Please don't give up!

    DF2 is the best representation of a coop survival horror, and the atmosphere is just right. A few more things and the game would be complete.

    Maybe you could speak to someone to buy into the idea of DF2, and you could execute your vision, and someone could help you with the business model.

  119. You would keep a following if you did monthly updates, regardless of the amount of progress that's being made on DF2.
    Give us an update, please.

  120. Developers, I have only noticed a few issues that look to need critiqued. First, sometimes when you swing to hit a zombie, I've noticed, instead of hitting the zombie you go through the zombie instead. Second, today I was playing, shop & go, Cooperstown, clear store (17 zombies) could only find 14 and that was going into big room twice. Used shotgun the whole time. Seen this same problem on clearing streets. Not enough zombies even when creating aggro that should bring more. Making it impossible for the mission to be completed. Those 2 things are the only issues I have found so far. Other than those issues, DF2 brings DF1 to a great face 2 face visual. And I look forward to what else is to come. Please keep us up to date of your changes. I understand that DF1 is probably more of the cash cow of the two, but I can see so much potential for DF2 to surpass it in the future. Awesome job all-n-all.


  121. Hello, first of all, congratulations for the wonderful work on df2, sincerely is incredible, yes, unfortunately we have few people to play, taking into consideration the release date, but, life goes on, I know it is frustrating at times, and I know open server is not cheap, but this is like everything in life, there are ups and downs, I believe in the future of df2, and of course df1 also, but I believe with a greater effort on df2 will bring great rewards, even if not the see now, everything you plant, you reap, but every tree has a set time, a tree does not grow from day to night, and df2 has everything it needs to be a success, continue the great work, strive to do some updates , bring some news, it may seem effort in vain but it will certainly bear fruit in the future.

  122. honestly if you just showed passion for the game it would be enough. I think you have a really nice model. maybe start a weekly blog and show what you are doing to make it better? DE the developers have a really good community because they talk weekly. I think it's a good strat.

  123. Don't give up hope AdminPwn, I still have faith in you!

    Ive played the ever-loving shite out of ALL of your zombie related games, my gaming experience would never have been the same or nearly as good if you didn't exist to create the wonderful experiences I've had in your creations.


  124. I hope you'll keep putting some time into this, I personally feel like it can be so much more than DF1.

  125. Hello, I'm a big fan of DF2 from Japan.
    Glad to hear that you were not giving up this game!
    I'm quite loving the "cooped-up" balance of scaving and horror.

    Do multiple times buying UPGRADE SLOTS give me more storage?
    If so, I really would like to add another 500 credits :)

    BTW below are what I suggest...
    1. 1month EXP boost item with some extra benefits (300 credits version and 500 credits version, since having 2 choices would be nice to players)
    2. New weapon groups and ammo types (I really want to use AR and GL like DF1)
    3. Friend system

  126. the game isnt bad at all, but some problems should've been solved in the first week after the release of the game. If you make a big update and try to make big annoucements to bring people back to the game, maybe it can get back to life.

  127. Соберись, мужик! Мы видели, что ты можешь делать игры хорошо. В DF1 играют до сих пор, поэтому возьмись вплотную за неё. Сделай полноценный инвентарь и хаб без браузера и улучши графику, для начала. Жанр всё ещё пустует, не упускай момент. Если не веришь в себя, верь в нас и в нашу веру в тебя.

  128. hey adminpwn ! dont be upset ur not a failure the problem is the people who played it bcouz more expectation come more failure they expect much thats why they dont appreciate ur doings come on man cheer up ! congrats and thanks for the game u made. Df1 made me more socialize online/personal so dont be sad or depress be proud of ur self and ur game thats the way of sucess !!!!

  129. Hey man, don't be discouraged, if you really want to do something worthwhile, then just transfer DF 1 from the browser to a full-fledged base, redraw the textures, and roll again, once you did it and transferred the game from 2D so do it again.From Russia with love )))

  130. I all ways wanted to make my own game looks like your doing way better than I ever did pls come back keep working on the game or create a different game with the same assets in this game and create a campaign and multi player and a endless zombies mode.

  131. update dead frontier 2 please :(

  132. DF2 still one of the best my game experience, this game is awesome.

    1 step (with big online activity): you have planned your build to get money by outposts brokers. You always can to buy items for cheap and then sell them for more. You always have medicine, ammo, food. Fastest experiences with wiki-missions-guides every day, to easy and boring...

    2 step (dead servers without players): you haven't anything, you should plan your build with survive style (based on stealth-melee weapon), you can get some cash from missions, but you haven't guides and don't know where mission target. There all to hard and show full reality of survive game DF2. But I like it. Thank you for this game.

    I think long-life projects needs "Seasons Updates" with tasks, events, achievements, ratings, etc. Like Path of Exile - dead game, but every season-update let return community to game for first some weeks. Also it shows good activity in steam (games resent updated on front page).
    This is a good practice. I hope developer will see this comment (:

  133. i think you should make offers (create little items to can craft or that are necessary to make some great things or weapons or stuff, and you can loot it, SURE, but you can buy it toooo haha there are the little micropays and there you can make some more money to get the enough to can make more updates and can end the DF2 like you want....) micropayments are the best idea to make some little more cash, crafting system, make more big the credits markets too...(sell more credits for the same money, and obviously make the items have more value, why do this, because you can make the little items that you put in sell "with credits" can be buyed for less money, and then don't hurt so much to spend a little of credits in something that make you win a big item, then... the little micropays can be MORE ATRACTIVES....) i think is a good idea, hahaha i will pay for those tiny things, and a lot of players too, make more announcements with BIG YOUTUBERS to promote your game, that is a GREAT FUCKING GAME IT'S AWESOME MEN, i play this game like 2010 DF1 and now i grow up and still playing it.. NOW DF2 SHIT MEN THAT MAKES ME SO FUCKING HAPPY THIS IS MY CHILDHOOD GAMEEEE... I hope this can be useful for you :(
    Nachoroker out....
    Greetings to you legendary AdminPwn <3

  134. ah, too make promotions like, some of that items and credits, mix them, make more offers to make the game can be more attractive <3

  135. It does not matter what the players think about the game, what matters is what you're going to do about the problems within the game. I'm a Level Designer so I know it can be rough when first releasing a title, but as you adapt to the game you'll begin to see what needs fixed and changed to make it better for everyone. I recommend increasing your development team and for the first few updates only fix the problems then move onto adding content. If I had a powerful PC I would offer my services for free for a short time.

  136. I'll be real with you, see this here like 2 years later was a pretty big fuck you. "DUDE I JUST LIKE RELEASED A BARE BONES GAME WHY ISN'T IT HITTING COD:MW NUMBERS BRO!?" Real talk, glad you are back at the grind, but dude really.

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. hola admin, siempre me a gustado el dead frontier y la verdad en los últimos días a mejorado demasiado como para llamarme mas la atención que incluso deje algunos juegos en pausa y le dedique mas tiempo al dead frontier, por lo general a la mayoría de las personas les gustan los objetivos y mas si son un poco complicados de cumplirlos, las historias que encuentras al momento de ir a saquear casas son espectaculares el juego si te pones a pensar tienen un enorme potencial, seria genial también si aumentaran los niveles, los cosméticos y los jefes, seria genial que el mapa también aumentara mas, basándose en las historias que lees en el juego sobre secronom y pues implementar la continuación de dichas historias en el juego físico, o se que es algo tonto lo que diré pero y si ese mapa se abriera mas y podríamos visitar el origen del virus en secronom donde a un nivel avanzado los jefes de los niveles superiores ya se encontrarían también en la calle y los jefes en esos niveles serian mas fuertes y mas extraños; crear o aventurarnos a encontrar otro campamento de un nivel superior donde exista mejor saqueo, tambien seria una gran idea implementar los cambios de clima, como en dead frontier 1, que pasando un rato se hace de día luego poco a poco llega la noche, eso también ayudaría mucho a que llegue mas personas créeme, seria genial; PDT: admiro todo tu trabajo y la experiencia de este gran juego se que llegara muy lejos. Algo mas :) recuerda que hasta los pequeños detalles ganan mucha audiencia, sigue adelante tienes grandes ideas y enserio, enserio!!! el juego es UNA OBRA DE ARTE!!. :) :) :)


  139. Hello admin, I have always liked the dead frontier and the truth in the last few days has improved too much to call my attention that we can even leave some games on pause and dedicate more time to the dead frontier, generally to most of people like the objectives and more if they are a little complicated to fulfill them, the stories that find the moment to go to loot houses are spectacular the game if you think about it has enormous potential, it would be great also if the levels increase, the cosmetics and bosses, it would be great if the map also increased more, modifications in the stories that they read in the game about the sector and then implement the continuation of the stories in the physical game, or that it's silly what I will say but what if That map would open up more and we could visit the origin of the virus in the sector where an advanced level is found. The heads of the higher levels are also on the street and the bosses It is at those levels that they would be stronger and stranger; create or venture to find another higher level camp where there is better looting, it would also be a great idea to implement the changes in weather, as in dead frontier 1, which spends a little time making the day then little by little the night comes, that It would also help a lot to get more people to believe me, it would be great; PDT: I admire all your work and the experience of this great game will go a long way. Something else :) remember that even the small details gain a lot of audience, keep going you have great ideas and seriously, seriously !!! the game is A WORK OF ART !!. :) :) :)

  140. To be honest, Dead Frontier2 is pretty good as it stands and i think you should stick to it (yes i know im like 2 years late with this) However, i understand that you have to prioritize the money making game as of currently but i will say this. Theres only a few differences between DF2 and classic besides the obvious first person perspective and skill variety. What DF2 needs is exactly what DF got, just more expansions. But DF2 offers something right now that a lot of players, like myself, absolutely need: Building with the game. In DF if you make a new account you dont stand a chance of hitting the classic endgame unless you spend money which is really discouraging to a lot of players, DF2 however all these new players who have come to support you get another chance to build the community with you and come far and maybe even encounter you in game. Add that with the large variety of builds now and soon to come and the variety in playstyles and it makes a beautiful game and i will continue to support your games production and i hope some day DF2 will become the true daughter of the parent game and be seen as a complete upgrade. You have my support man!


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  147. i love DF1 pls dont shut it off. appreciate everything you do!

  148. Amazing, Your blogs are really good and informative. I got a lots of useful information in your blogs. It is very great and useful to all. That's not just due to the lack of content either. The entire game, at the moment, is geared strictly for a mindless grind, and not the fun kind, especially since there isn't currently proper incentives for such a grind semi trucks accidents. Keeps sharing more useful blogs..

  149. It's totally stupid considering how much gacha additions we'd already put up with. I got banned from their official discord solely because I disagreed with them and wanted some degree of consistency from them... Apparently I reached too far and did too much

  150. Also check my steam review, and remember I was pulling my punches... I'll be a lot meaner in a month's time

  151. NEIL! I'll creep into the room where your daughter naps... And pull her over my head before I back-break randy-horton that
